World Language
World Language
Philosophy and Mission Statement
The Rutland Public Schools adopts as an integral part of its mission statement, the National Standards for the Learning of Foreign Language. Communication is at the heart of the human experience. The Foreign Language Department of the Rutland City Public Schools affirms that all students will be exposed to world cultures and languages beginning in Kindergarten and continuing through Grade 6. Formal instruction in a formal language will begin at Grade 7 and continue through Grade 12. Supporting this affirmation are three (3) principles about language and culture, learners of language and culture, and language and culture education.
1. Competence in more than one language and culture enables people to:
- communicate with people in other cultures in a variety of settings;
- look beyond their customary borders;
- participate more fully in the global community and marketplace;
- develop insight in to their own language and culture;
- act with greater awareness of self, of other cultures and their own relationship to those cultures; and
- gain direct access to additional bodies of knowledge.
2. All students can be successful language and culture learners, and they:
- must have access to language and culture study that is integrated into the entire school experience;
- benefit from the development and maintenance of proficiency in more than one language;
- learn in a variety of ways and settings;
- acquire proficiency at varied rates; and
- can achieve success.
3. Language and culture education is part of the core curriculum and it:
- develops and enhances basic communication skills and higher-order thinking skills.
This curriculum is based on adherence to the National Standards for the Learning of Foreign Language which include the following five (5) goals: communicate in languages other than English; gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures; connect with other disciplines and acquire information; develop insight into own language and culture; participate in multi-lingual communities and global society.
World Language Goals
- Students write effectively in the target language.
- Students develop insight into the nature of language and culture by reading in English and the target language.
- Students reinforce knowledge and vocabulary through reading for understanding in the target language.
- Students use active listening and effective speaking skills in the target language.
- Students explore the creative process through language and culture.
- Students use research from a variety of sources and technologies to enhance their knowledge of language and customs.
- Students connect with other disciplines and acquire information.
- Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.